martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


0) If + present + present
1) If + present + will
2) If + past + would
3) If + past perfect + would have

Rememer that If can move to the centre of the sentence but it must always be followed by present, past or past perfect; If cannot be followed by will or would

1. If I (to study), I (to pass) the exams.
2. We
(not/to swim) if the weather (to be) bad.
3. If he
(to have) a temperature, he (to see) the doctor.
4. I
(to be) very happy if my friends (to come).
5. If I
(to earn) a lot of money, I (to fly) to New York.
6. If we
(not/to come) home in time, we (to miss) the film.
7. The teacher
(not/to be) happy if I (to forget) my homework again.
8. If our class
(to go) to England, I (to visit) the Tower of London.
1. If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
2. If he
(to be) my friend, I (to invite) him.
3. The Smiths
(to go) on holiday if they (to have) time.
4. If Susan
(to study) harder, she (to be) better at school.
5. We
(to call) the police if we (to see) a burglar.
6. If the pupils
(to have) no school, they (to play) football.
7. If I
(to come) home early, my father (not/to be) angry.
8. If I
(to be) you, I (not/to go) to the party.
1. If the weather (to be) nice, we (to play) football.
2. The car
(not/to break down) if you (to check) it.
3. If we
(to go) to McDonald's we (to have) more to eat.
4. You
(to understand) the film if you (to read) the book.

5. The water in the pool
(to be) warmer if the sun (to shine).
6. If John
(to learn) more words, he (to write) a good report.

7. My parents
(to buy) the house if the man (not/to sell) it to someone else.

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