miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

CHANGE TO PASSIVE, with answers

1.       Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement. Cars had been parked on the pavement
2.       You have to fill in an application form. An application form has to be filled in
3.       The fruit-pickers pick the apples early in the morning. The apples are picked early in the morning by the fruit-pickers
4.       People asked me the way three times. I was asked the way three times
5.       The managing director will announce the news to staff later today. The staff will be announced the news by the managing director later today
6.       They have offered me a new job in Hungary. I have been offered a new job in Hungary
7.       The medical staff have declared the surgery a complete success. The surgery has been declared a complete success by the medical staff.
8.       My uncle bought me this necklace when he was in Zimbabwe. I was bought this necklace by my uncle when he was in Zimbabwe
9.       They don´t know what happened to the ship. It is not known what happened to the ship
10.   They first developed the polio vaccine in 1950. The polio vaccine was first developed in 1950
11.   You should make the sandwiches just before we leave. The sandwiches should be made just before we leave.
12.   People are sending blankets and clothes to the flood victims. The flood victims are being sent blankets and clothes
13.   Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876
14.   They add sugar to fruit in order to make jam. Fruit is added to sugar in order to make jam, Jam is made by adding fruit to sugar.
15.   BM will offer her a job. She will be offered a job by BM
16.   The shop gave me a prize when I spent one thousand pounds. I was given a prize by the shop when I spent one thousand pounds
17.   The tour guide showed us around the city. we were shown around the city by the guide
18.   He gave my child a free ice-cream cone. My child was given a free ice-cream cone by me.
19.   She paid the workers three months ´salary when she closed her business. The workers were paid three months' salary whe her business was closed
20.   The boss offered him a rise for his hard work. He was offered a rise for his hard work
21.   The man told the boy to stop smoking at once. The boy was told to stop smoking at once
22.   The woman wrote down the notes in a hurry. The notes were written down in a hurry
23.   They didn´t give her a preset for her birthday. She wasn't given a present for her birthday
24.   People speak English all over the world. English is spoken all over the world
25.   They sell English books in that shop. English books are sold in a shop
26.   She doesn´t promise him a better job.  He isn't promised a better job.
27.   They will have to rebuild many roads. Many road will have to be rebuilt.
28.   The teacher told the students to do this activity. The student's were told to do this activity.
29.   Doctors have treated many people for burns and shock. Many people have been treated for burns and shock.
30.   The secretary has given me her e-mail address. I have been given an e-mail address
31.   They taught us about Nelson Mandela. Wer were taught about Nelson Mandela
32.   The ticket salesman offered us two games for free. We were offered two games for free by the ticket salesman
33.   Christine promised her husband to wear a helmet. Christine's husband was promised by her that she would wear a helmet.
34.   They have published many dictionaries.  Many dictionaries have been published
35.   They have asked the company to reduce violence in the programme. The company has been asked to reduce violence in the programme
36.   We do not add any preservatives to our products. No preservative are added to our products
37.   The Government is now building a lot of new schools in the provinces. A lot of new schools are now being built in the provinces by the Government
38.   The police have just arrested him on suspicion of murder. He has just been arrested on suspicion of murder
39.   Will they publish her new book next month? Will her book be published by next month?
40.   They will have completed the new motorway by Christmas. The new motorway will be finished by Christmas.
41.   We haven´t cleaned the house for weeks. The house hasn't been cleaned for weeks.
42.   The company cut the water off because Mr and Mrs Dixon hadn´t paid their bill. Mr and Mrs Dixon had their water cut off beacause they hadn't paid the bill.
43.   They are going to open the new supermarket next week. A new supermarket is going to be opened next week
44.   They couldn´t use the car because the garage was servicing it. The car couldn`t be used because it was being serviced by the garage
45.   They publish a lot of books on information technology. A lot of books on information technology are published
46.   Did the guests eat the food? Was the food eaten by the guests?
47.   Has the terrorist released any of the hostages? Have any of the hostages been released by the terrorist
48.   Why did they cancel the flight? Why was the flight cancelled? 
49.   Do you speak English? Is English spoken?
50.   Are the technicians repairing the digital board? Is the digital board being repaired by the technicians? 

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Vocabulary on environment, enery and pollution. Possible text topic for Selectividad




English News






Gerund or Infinitive

After synonyms and antonyms of like we use ing
I like playing football
I love watching sport on the telly
They hate eating school dinners
(Except when it has WOULD. I would like to see you in my office)

Gerund if the verb is the subject of the sentence --> Smoking is bad for you
After the expression looking forward to--> I'm looking forward to seeing you

used to--> We used to live in London (we lived but now we don't, infinitive)
be used to --> We are used to living in the country (we have always live there, gerund)
get used to --> I am getting used to eating spanish food (It is new for me, gerund)

After prepositions --> They thought of eating out

Infinitive is used after verbs that intend to do something in the "future"
I promise to help you
I want to talk to you
I can't afford to buy a new house
They expect to reach an agreement
We decided to travel abroad
I hope to be finished by 5

1) I can't imagine Peter (go) by bike.
2) He agreed (buy) a new car.
3) The question is easy (answer).
4) The man asked me how (get) to the airport.
5) I look forward to (see) you at the weekend.
6) Are you thinking of (visit) London?
7) We decided (run) through the forest.
8) The teacher expected Sarah (study) hard.
9) She doesn't mind (work) the night shift.
10) I learned (ride) the bike at the age of 5.

1. Dan enjoys science fiction.
2. Cheryl suggested
a movie after work.
3. I miss
in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old job back.
4. Where did you learn
Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin America?
5. Do you mind
me translate this letter?
6. He asked
to the store manager.
7. You've never mentioned
in Japan before. How long did you live there?
8. If he keeps
to work late, he's going to get fired!
9. Debbie plans
abroad next year.
10. I agreed
Jack wash his car.

Clio Vs Bike (downhill)

How does a clio make you feel?
How much does it cost?
What does "Take him on" mean?
What is the challenge about?
Where do they start and finish?

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

English Classic Humour Fawlty Towers

What is Basil trying to explain to Manuel?

One of my favourite all time youtube videos, free hugs

What is the matter with the police officers?

London - 10 Things You Need To Know

How many people live in London?
What can't you talk about at Speakers Corner?
What are the names of two streets where you can go shopping?
Which is better for going out in London, the West End or the East End?

Examen CAE


Examen First Certificate English


Examen PET


Examen KET


Jeremy (from Top Gear)

Why does Parkinson ask Jeremy about boxing?
What is the difference between women's reaction and men's reaction?

Rowan Atkinson


0) If + present + present
1) If + present + will
2) If + past + would
3) If + past perfect + would have

Rememer that If can move to the centre of the sentence but it must always be followed by present, past or past perfect; If cannot be followed by will or would

1. If I (to study), I (to pass) the exams.
2. We
(not/to swim) if the weather (to be) bad.
3. If he
(to have) a temperature, he (to see) the doctor.
4. I
(to be) very happy if my friends (to come).
5. If I
(to earn) a lot of money, I (to fly) to New York.
6. If we
(not/to come) home in time, we (to miss) the film.
7. The teacher
(not/to be) happy if I (to forget) my homework again.
8. If our class
(to go) to England, I (to visit) the Tower of London.
1. If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
2. If he
(to be) my friend, I (to invite) him.
3. The Smiths
(to go) on holiday if they (to have) time.
4. If Susan
(to study) harder, she (to be) better at school.
5. We
(to call) the police if we (to see) a burglar.
6. If the pupils
(to have) no school, they (to play) football.
7. If I
(to come) home early, my father (not/to be) angry.
8. If I
(to be) you, I (not/to go) to the party.
1. If the weather (to be) nice, we (to play) football.
2. The car
(not/to break down) if you (to check) it.
3. If we
(to go) to McDonald's we (to have) more to eat.
4. You
(to understand) the film if you (to read) the book.

5. The water in the pool
(to be) warmer if the sun (to shine).
6. If John
(to learn) more words, he (to write) a good report.

7. My parents
(to buy) the house if the man (not/to sell) it to someone else.


Eddie washes the car --> The car is washed by Eddie

Eddie is washing the car --> The car is being washed by Eddie

Eddie has washed the car --> The car has been washed

People don´t read books nowadays --> Books aren´t read nowadays (the active subject is not necessary)

Causative: I am having my house painted (someone is painting it for me)
1.       Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement.
2.       You have to fill in an application form.
3.       The fruit-pickers pick the apples early in the morning
4.       People asked me the way three times
5.       The managing director will announce the news to staff later today.
6.       They have offered me a new job in Hungary.
7.       The medical staff have declared the surgery a complete success.
8.       My uncle bought me this necklace when he was in Zimbabwe.
9.       They don´t know what happened to the ship.
10.   They first developed the polio vaccine in 1950s.
11.   You should make the sandwiches just before we leave.
12.   People are sending blankets and clothes to the flood victims.
13.   Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876
14.   They add sugar to fruit in order to make jam.
15.   BM will offer her a job
16.   The shop gave me a prize when I spent one thousand pounds.
17.   The tour guide showed us around the city
18.   He gave my child a free ice-cream cone
19.   She paid the workers three months ´salary when she closed her business.
20.   The boss offered him a rise for his hard work.
21.   The man told the boy to stop smoking at once.
22.   The woman wrote down the notes in a hurry.
23.   They didn´t give her a preset for her birthday.
24.   People speak English all over the world.
25.   They sell English books in that shop
26.   She doesn´t promise him a better job.
27.   They will have to rebuild many roads.
28.   The teacher told the students to do this activity.
29.   Doctors have treated many people for burns and shock.
30.   The secretary has given me her e-mail address
31.   They taught us about Nelson Mandela
32.   The ticket salesman offered us two games for free
33.   Christine promised her husband to wear a helmet.
34.   They have published many dictionaries.
35.   They have asked the company to reduce violence in the programme.
36.   We do not add any preservatives to our products
37.   The Government is now building a lot of new schools in the provinces.
38.   The police have just arrested him on suspicion of murder
39.   Will they publish her new book next month?
40.   They will have completed the new motorway by Christmas
41.   We haven´t cleaned the house for weeks.
42.   The company cut the water off because Mr and Mrs Dixon hadn´t paid their bill.
43.   They are going to open the new supermarket next week.
44.   They couldn´t use the car because the garage was servicing it.
45.   They publish a lot of books on information technology